Monday, August 13, 2012

The CONSTANTS in our life.

How quickly things change.  Life, circumstances, people; nothing remains a constant.  Tangible things concerning life as we know it cannot be depended upon as a place to hang our hat or even hopes. 

Yesterday was a good day.  Conversations flowed, plans made, and even went to the Department of Revenue to renew a CDL licenses.  One that may never be used, but placed in his billfold where he can look at it when he wants to, or show it as a form of identification, it is there and he knows it.  It will stand as a reminder he had a respectable job and provided for his family with a license such as this.
That was yesterday.  Today is already looking different.  Questions that have been answered before are being asked again.  Questions that were answered only minutes earlier, beg to be answered again.  I answer them as though this is the first time I have said the words.  The irritation I have felt so many times before does not show this time.  I can’t promise they won’t tomorrow or the next time I hear the same question.  I’ll take it a day at a time, a moment at a time even, and trust in the one who puts “a watch over my mouth and keeps the doors of my lips” to give me patience again. 

I’m human I’ve decided.  Never been a saint, even though the Bible refers to Christian believers as such.  It is a word I can’t use to describe myself for sure.  I somehow picture living Saints as rigid. They have a demeanor of a sour puss, a holier than thou attitude; lofty even.  No, I sure don’t want that to be me. I don’t want that view of a saint to even be associated with me. 

However maybe one day the legacy of me being a saint may take on the actual meaning Paul had in mind when he wrote to the church at Philippi.  Recorded in Philippians 4:21 the Bible says: “Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you.”  KJV  

The Good News Bible (GNB) makes it a little clearer by saying it this way: “Greetings to each one of God's people who belong to Christ Jesus. The believers here with me send you their greetings.”   I’ll admit, my vision/slant on Saints may be a bit unfair and for sure unbalanced.

So maybe I’ll move on from that word and come back again to HUMAN.  Yea, that is what I am.  Human with faults and flaws so huge, I get irritated when I have to re-do something that should have been done right in the first place.  I don’t like repeating myself either.  Open your ears and listen to me the first time, and we’ll both be the better for it, is my philosophy! 

Impatient is another word I’ve used to describe me.  As much as I need others to be tolerant with me, I should remember how much I need to extend tolerance even more.  Ah well, I’ll admit I’m real hard on myself sometimes.  I may go through a lot of self-evaluation the next few years.  No telling what I’ll learn about myself.

As for constants in our life; is there a constant?  I have to think so.  We may not be able to depend on the solid ground of our life here and expect it to hold us up forever.   We marry, have a family, plan for a future and maybe even look toward retirement.  We look to the years of not having to watch the clock, or punch a clock even.  Knowing those days will come, yet never being able to anticipate the effect of what the change in lifestyle will mean.
We may be able to carry out our plans, but eventually the last road trip is taken¸ the last cruise is a memory and our days seemed to be filled with Doctor appointments instead of plans to see another part of God’s world.  With each Doctor’s appointment behind us, we then go to the Pharmacy to get yet another new medicine filled.  It may take a while for us to realize things are changing, and the day we did not want to keep in the telescope of long range things to think about - is indeed here. 

It is then we realize the Constant in our life, or the lack thereof.  I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about the Constant or Perpetual in my life.  It isn’t my home.  I’ve lived in many places, and owned three homes.  In each one I LIVED, took each day as it came and enjoyed what came my way as much as possible.  You can correct me if you wish.  We have owned 3 homes.  We have lived in many places.  I know.  Yet it is my thoughts I’m thinking through.  I cannot speak for another.  I realize I did not live in them alone, however I did and do live with my own thoughts and they are privately mine, until I choose to share as I am doing now.
So where is my life’s CONSTANT?  We all need one.  As children, it is our trusted Parents who are always there.  Day in day out, they can be depended on.  I always knew Mama would be there when we got off the bus on any given school day.  I knew there would always be a homemade “tea” cake waiting to help curb our appetite until the chores were done and supper would be ready.  

Yet Mama Died.  Yes it was only after I had found my way, and didn’t “rely” on her as I did those years after school that she left me.  However for a while at least, I remember her as being always there.
Yet in my twilight golden years (as it is referred to) I’ve learned that people CANNOT be there for me to depend on always.  However it doesn’t take me long to sweep my life with a panoramic view of my conscious memory and realize my true and Constant Companion has been my Lord. 

His Word has NEVER failed.  His friendship, His ever presence, His supply, has never diminished.  I have no reason to believe it will be any different now that each day could bring even bigger changes in life as I know it. 
It is back to my trust word from Hebrews 13:5  “…I will never leave you; I will never abandon you."

August 7, 2012

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