Sunday, February 5, 2012

How Long?

I was reminded today of a song, my family and I sang many years ago.  It is amazing the old hymns and southern gospel songs of the past that reverberate in my mind occasionally.  I believe each time I heard the song it ministered to me.  Here are the words.

How Long, How long, til I reach the end of my valley?
How Long, how long, til I sing a triumphant song?
Although my tears may endure for a night,
Joy will come in the morning,
So let the winds blow, the storms come and go
I'll make it no matter how long.

The verses refer to the story of Job - his being turned over to Satan to be tested, and the victory that came when Job declared "Though He slay me, yet I will trust Him." 

We can find ourselves singing this when our trials seem to last longer than we think they should.  It is inevitable we will be tested according to the 1st Peter 4:12, "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: "  We are told that trials must come so as to strengthen us.  During testing times, we have to trust in THE ONLY ONE that can help.  We find Him in our tests.  Job's faith went deeper and deeper to sustain him during his most trying times.  When he was whole, he had his children, his wealth, his health he could easily have said "I'll trust God, oh yes I will." 

However his words weigh much now that we know his story, especially when we measure them against his statement during the severe trial and testing.  I admire Job.  It is difficult to fathom just how God could allow Satan to have his way with Job, and we pray it never happens to us.  However coming through
  1.  Job  learned to ask questions of God.  God didn't smite him for asking them. 
  2.  Job learned that each man must stand for himself.  To sacrifice to God for our children, takes the responsibility away from them, and they never learn the true friendship they can have with God. 
  3.  Job learned to pray for his friends
  4. Job stood firm in his resolve, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."
I pray you are not having that kind of "night time of the soul".  I pray you can sing the last couple lines with fervency "I'll make it no matter how long!"


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